All of Fischinger's films were originally made in 35mm unless noted.
In Germany:
1. [Wax Experiments], 1921-1926. Experiments, not publicly shown by Fischinger.
B/w & tinted, silent.
2. Orgelstabe [Staffs], 1923-27, b/w, several versions, experiments
3. Stromlinien (Currents), c. 1925. Experiments, b/w & tinted,
4. [Spirals], 1926,
b/w, silent. Experiments, probably not publicly shown by Fischinger.
5. Pierrette (unfinished) from Munchener Bilderbogen Series (1924-26)
with Louis Seel
6. Multiple projector performances, first with Alexander
László's Farblichtmusik concerts, then on his own, titled Fieber, Vakuum
and Macht (Power), c. 1926-27; later, R-1,
ein Formspiel (R-1, a Form-Play). B/w & tinted, accompanied by
various music. William Moritz/FA recreation of R-1, 1980.
7. Seelische Konstruktionen
(Spiritual Constructions), c.1927, b/w, silent.
8. Munchen-Berlin Wanderung
(Walking from Munich to Berlin), 1927, b/w, silent. Experiment.
9. Fiesta, 1932 (fragment)
10. Studie Nr. 1, c.1929, b/w, silent (originally accompanied by live
organ music).
11. Studie Nr. 2, c.1930, b/w, originally accompanied by sound on
12. Studie Nr. 3, 1930, b/w, originally accompanied by sound on
13. Studie No. 4, 1930, b/w (lost?)
14. R.5, Ein Spiel in Linien, aka Studie No. 5, 1930, b/w, sound
(Early prints are silent).
15. Studie Nr. 6, 1930,
b/w, sound.
16. Studie Nr. 7, 1930-31,
b/w, sound.
17. Studie Nr. 8,
1931, b/w, sound.
18. Studie Nr. 9, 1931, b/w, sound.
19. [Liebesspiel], c. 1934, b/w, silent.
20. Studie Nr. 10, 1932, b/w, sound.
21. Studie Nr. 11, 1932, b/w, sound.
22. Studie Nr. 12, 1932,
with Hans Fischinger.
23. Koloraturen (Coloratura), 1932, b/w, sound.
24. Ornament Sound Experiments, 1932, b/w, sound
25. Studie Nr. 13, 1933/4, b/w, sound, unfinished; aka [Coriolan Fragment]
26. Kreise (Circles),
1933, color, sound. Tolirag ad version.
27. Kreise (Circles),
1933, color, sound. Abstract version.
28. Ein Spiel in Farben (A Play in Colors), 1934, color, sound;
aka Studie No. 11a
29. Quadrate (Squares), 1934, color, silent.
30. Muratti Greift Ein
(Muratti Gets in the Act), 1934, color, sound.
31. Swiss Trip: Rivers and Landscapes, 1934, b/w, sound.
32. Muratti Privat,
c.1935, b/w, sound.
33. Euthymol Ad: Pink
Guards On Parade, 1935, color (uncompleted). Moritz reconstruction, 2000.
34. Late Berlin Work, 1933-35:
-Muratti commercial, 1934
-Muratti tests
-Meluka cigarettes ad
-Gaspar Color tests, 1933, color, silent (some appear in the R-1 recreation
-Rectangles fragments
35. Komposition in Blau
(Composition in Blue), 1935, color, sound.
aka Lichtkonzert Nr. 1 (Light-Concert No. 1)
In America:
Allegretto, 1936-1943, 3 versions
36. Allegretto, Early Verson (made at Paramount but not printed in color
there); color, sound.
37. [Paragretto] b/w version at Paramount
- 38. Allegretto,
Late or 'popular' version, 1943, color, sound (made with the support of The
Museum of Non-Objective Painting)
39. An
Optical Poem, 1937, color, sound (made for MGM)
40. [Color Rhythm], c. 1940,
color. Unfinished, not screened by Fischinger.
41. An American March, 1941, color, sound (made
with the support of The Museum of Non-Objective Painting)
42. [Organic Fragment], 1941 (not filmed by Oskar). Reconstruction by
Moritz and Barbara Fischinger, 1984, color, silent.
43. Radio Dynamics,
1942, color, silent.
44. Mutoscope Reels, c. 1945. Reconstruction by Dr. Moritz and Barbara
Fischinger, 1984
45. Motion Painting No. 1, 1947, color, sound (made with the support
of The Museum of Non-Objective Painting)
Muntz TV Commercial,
1952, b/w, sound.
47. Advertising Films, c.1945-55 incl. Oklahoma Gas, Pure Oil, and soundtrack
for Northern Tissue
48. Stereo Film test, 1952, color, silent.
49. Synthetic Sound experiments, 1948 and 1955
50. Motion Painting No. 2 and No. 3 (fragments), 1957, and c.
1960. 16mm, color, silent.
Numerous unshot animation drawings and Pencil
Tests; numerous fragments and tests, particularly from the Frankfurt and Munich
years. Special effects for Sinflut, 1927. (some of these fragments
and tests can be seen on the Oskar Fischinger: Ten Films dvd)
Early advertising work and special
effects for commercials, industrials, features (Berlin); including special effects
for Dein Schicksal (1928), UFA films, and Fritz Lang's Frau im Mond (1929)
Animation drawings and designs for Fantasia, Disney Studio, 1938-1939
Special effects for 5 Star Rocket
television program, Los Angeles.
Misc. home movies, Berlin and Los Angeles
Lumigraph (machine) loaned
for Time Travellers feature film (footage not produced by Oskar)
Hans Fischinger: Dance of the Colors, 1939, color, sound
Elfriede Fischinger: Lumigraph
Film, c. 1969 (2 versions).
Made with the assistance of Conrad Fischinger (and Moritz?). Link to Lumigraph
drawing. Also see her article, Writing
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WARNING: Text and images in these pages are protected by copyright law (Title 17 U.S. Code). Images copyright Oskar Fischinger and Elfriede Fischinger Trust, 1921-2006, all rights reserved
Updated 10-15-06